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Board Effectiveness

When it comes to collective board performance, accountability arguably starts with the rigor and candor of discussions within the boardroom. To begin these discussions, it is critical to evaluate the Board’s functioning, alignment, governance, culture and most importantly identify areas to continuously improve.


of directors say that board leadership is more difficult now than in the past.

Board Assessments

To ensure that company Boards are operating effectively and representing the best interests of the company’s shareholders, it is critical to conduct an external evaluation to examine the Board’s functioning, alignment, governance, culture and most importantly identify areas to continuously improve. Summit assesses Board effectiveness on seven dimensions through our proprietary surveys and interview process and provides specific recommendations for the Board to increase its impact.


 of directors report that performance expectations have gone up for all board members.


Board Advising & Coaching

Given our board expertise and NACD certification, we regularly advise boards on composition, governance, effectiveness and succession. These critical areas require objective and courageous support to ensure changes that align with all key stakeholder’s expectations.


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